Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's a Mother's Right... to Brag!!!

Disclaimer.... If it annoys you when a mother gushes about her kids and thinks they're the best thing since sliced bread - you may want to stop reading!!!!

Last week I had a scheduled conference with Sam's teacher.  He's in Pre-K, so this year 'matters' and is beginning to shape the type of student he is going to be.  His teacher had nothing but wonderful things to say about him!  He writes his name better than anyone in the class (she didn't actually SAY this, but she showed me all of the others!)  You can read it, he keeps it on the lines, and he can write it small when necessary!  He knows all of the shapes and letters - there were a few lowercase letters that he had trouble with.  He can count unassisted to 20 (I happen to know he can go higher...), and he recognizes all of the numbers.  He definitely knows all of his letter sounds - when you ask him what something starts with, he sounds it out with no problem!  The only thing she told me he couldn't do was skip!  I couldn't help but laugh... he IS a boy!!!!  However, BJ worked with him - which was funny unto itself - and he can skip now!  The teacher said that he follows directions (the first time) very well and that he can begin tasks without having to ask what he is supposed to be doing... which she said is rare!  I wanted to know what happened to that kid when he came home!!!!!!  What a smart, SMART little boy I have!!!!  I am SO proud of him!!!

I took Jake to the doctor yesterday for his 3-yr check-up.  He did smashingly as well!  He is in the 50th percentile for height and weight.  About 30-40% less than Sam was at this age, but I'm not surprised with Jake!  She asked him to draw a circle.  He drew a small one AND a large one... then took her pen a bit later to draw more.  He asked her if he could write his name for her.... she was impressed until she realized his name was a scribble!!!!  Hahahaha!!!!!  He is healthy, smart, and a chatterbox!  She was cracking up because he wouldn't stop talking long enough for her to listen to his heart and lungs!  I would tell him to catch his bubble (keep air in his mouth), and we would.... but then he would spit the 'bubble' out!  Ah, well.... he's going to be my mischievous one!!!  BUT --- he is going to be that super-smart kid that goofs off all the time but still makes good grades!  His poor teachers....

I could go on, but I must get back to work! ;-)

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