Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Game Ranch

This past Friday, my friend, Cathy and I took the kids to the Yellow River Game Ranch.  It wasn't crowded (the two buses in the lot scared us a bit when we pulled up - but we had no problems at all!), the weather was perfect, and the kids absolutely LOVED it!  Score big for the mommies!!!!

The Game Ranch is a zoo, of sorts, but it is comprised of animals that are indigenous to Georgia... and a lot of the animals are rescued from the wild, and wouldn't survive otherwise.  And the best part is that they are all so friendly, and most of them will eat out of your hand! Save the cougars, bears, foxes, and animals of that sort!!! ;-)
Here we are - ready to go and not wanting to pose for mommy!

Right out of the gate... errr - door - were two baby deer!

And roosters...
And some kind of bird-thing!?

I love Jake's face right before the bird grabbed the cracker from his hand!

We had to make the kids move away from the door... and move on down the trail! We only bought two sleeves of crackers, one bag of peanuts and one bag of carrots to feed ALL the animals!


They ate peanuts!?

The bears were hysterical!
They were so friendly, I really think we could have walked around in the cage with them! We didn't, of course, but there were two guys cleaning their cage, and neither the guys or the bears seemed threatened!?
Something tells me that's not how it would actually be "in the wild!"

More roosters... this one had some pretty colors!
A baby cow!  Who got every last carrot... and some strangers' too!  My friendly little Jake would introduce himself to people walking by, then ask for their carrots!  How could they say no to that?

Sam finally got brave enough to let an animal take food from his hand... before, he would just hold it out then throw it at them!

Jake, however, was fearless, as usual! This donkey was making all kinds of racket... he let us know he didn't like us feeding the other animals!

The goat and the turkey... At this point, we were out of carrots, but I found a cart with watermelon and broccoli that they put out for the birds...

Then Jake got hungry!

And started eating the animals' food... Mr. Goat was NOT happy about this turn of events!

But my sweet Jake shared!

And Macey too, of course!

More donkeys...

More goats...

I think the mule was getting them... they never would sit still!?

Pot Bellied Pigs...


Heehee... sometimes I amuse myself!

It looks like he's trying to eat Sam... who would NOT be this calm if they were THAT close!!!

More deer roaming around... who got our last crackers...

That Jake didn't eat!

The rabbit section... I remembered LOVING being able to walk in and pet and hold the rabbits when I was young!

So do the kids!

He can't read yet!  So I told him not to pick the baby bunny up!

I told Cathy about us giving our pet bunny to the game ranch when we were younger 'because he needed friends.' (i.e. we no longer wanted to clean his cage out!)  Sam overheard this apparently, because on the way home, he kept asking if I had seen my bunny!!!!!  I explained that mine was probably really old and in a cage where people couldn't touch him anymore!?  Then the rest of the way home we discussed how he was going to get a bunny when he was older!  Maybe Christmas? Think MUCH older, my dear!!!!!!

We LOVED the game ranch... and will be back soon!!!!!!!! But this fall, we have more excursions planned and lots of exciting things to do! Hooray for Fall!!!!

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