Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Our First Week of Kindergarten...

No pictures today... just a report on our little guy who entered into the big boy world of school on Monday....

He is home today (Friday) with a fever.  Nope - we didn't even make it through a whole week.  Honestly, I don't think he is sick. I think he is just tired. Or that is what I am telling myself, because he keeps telling me that he feels fine.  And if he didn't have a fever, I would have made him go to school today!

Sam woke up at 6:00 am yesterday... worried he would miss his bus (I have since assured him that he can wake up at 7, and he will be just fine) --- and he had not slept well that night... worried he'd miss the bus, maybe??? So needless to say, I sent a tired, tired little boy off to school! Getting him off to school was a trip in and of itself - as Sam was on the porch ready to leave, Jake puked in the middle of the floor (he drank his milk too fast - he just pukes - for any reason), so I got the chunks off the floor and ran Sam to the bus stop.  When I got back inside, Stormie was licking up what I had left... yum..... I cleaned that up and we went on about our day....

Sam got off the bus yesterday and was super quiet, so I bent down to hug him and he started crying.  I scooped him up and carried him home (he's 60 lbs, but Mommies possess some major strength when their babies are hurt or sad!).  Of course, my man of many words 'just couldn't remember' much of anything.  I was concerned that someone had treated him badly or he was hurt... but all I got from him was that he missed his mommy. Awww.... so sweet - especially considering that Mr. Independent we encountered on that first day! I sure did miss him too! 

BUT - there were tears, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.... (I won't go into how many questions or how many variations I had to ask) here is what I figured out:
He cried on the playground.  He was lonely. His teacher comforted him. His para pro (who he doesn't know her name yet) took him to get water.

Sam also felt warm to me (which is normal considering it's 100 degrees and he just got off the bus), but I took his temp anyway... 100.6. Ugh... really???? He kept telling me that he didn't feel bad, that he just missed his mommy.  So, I am thinking that his body is so tired that a fever resulted....???

I gave him a snack (OH! And he hadn't eaten his snack or his lunch!!!!), a bath, and put on his jammies.  He spent the afternoon on the couch, and he went to bed at 7:30.  That would have cured the tired thing, but the fever was still hanging around, and he didn't sleep good!? So when he woke up with a fever still, school was out of the question for the day.


I emailed his teacher to let her know that he wouldn't be there (more so because I didn't want her to think I just let him stay home because he was sad since he cried yesterday).... she replied back with the following:
"Good morning!
I shouldn't say I'm "glad"Sam had a fever ---- but it does explain his unhappiness yesterday!  At recess Sam began to cry for you and he did off and on all day.  I asked him if he felt sick or if anything hurt.  He seemed to get better if he sat with me or I rubbed his back.  One of my motherly little girls sat and held his hand (hope she's not feverish today!)  We are well into a long week and the students are tired!  I'm sorry he has picked up some bug. Had I noticed that he was hot to touch or if he had been inconsolable I definitely would have had the nurse call you.  Please tell Sam we will miss him today, feel better, and we will see him on Monday! Have a great weekend!"

What an awesome email... I have clung to every word over and over! And of course I replied back! ;-) So at least I know that a little girl has befriended him, and his teacher has shown him attention in his sadness.... I am just so sad that his mommy can't be there to help!!!!!

For now, I am trying to keep Jake quiet (Sam still has a fever and a headache), which is impossible - so I opt to just try and keep him away from Sam! Sam is to stay still and quiet all day, and will hopefully take a nap... I am going to TRY and get some work done (did I mention that I'm kinda behind?)...

So that's week one --- what will weeks 2 through whatever bring?????  I want my summer back!!!!!

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