Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

A few Funnies...

It's been awhile since I've posted some funny Sam/Jake stories, so here are some... I really wish I could remember more - they make me laugh all the time!!!! Love these kids!

  • Sam has been mean to Jake lately... not all the time, but when he is it's like he can't stop! We have had many, many conversations about being kind, using sweet/kind words, having a happy heart about sharing, taking care of his brother, etc, etc... One analogy that I like to use is that we see a 'Sweet Sam' and a 'Mean Sam' at different times... when I go to talk to him before he can come out of his room, I tend to tell him that only the 'Sweet Sam' can come out.  I said this the other day, and Sam's response was: "Mommy, I'm sorry, but the Sweet Sam is on vacation, and I don't think he's coming back!"
    • I could just end the story there because I'm sure EVERYONE ELSE is laughing about this.... but I am sure that the next question would be, "WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THAT? DID YOU JUST LAUGH?" No, I actually didn't laugh - I was too irritated by his constant meanness (that day) to Jake... I told him that the Mean Sam wasn't allowed to come downstairs or come out of his room - I didn't like that Sam, and he would need to get the Sweet Sam to come home ASAP... but he could send the Mean Sam on vacation!!!! "DID IT WORK?" would be your next question.... a little - he tends to forget conversations within 5 minutes... is that a boy thing?????? I can laugh about it now, though - quite clever!!!!
  • Jake doesn't stop talking. Ever. I know I say this pretty much every post, but it's 100% truth, and he hasn't let up AT ALL with the talking! Even watching TV - if he's not narrating what's going on, he's asking question after question.  Sam even ignores him (which causes him to repeat himself over.. and over.. and over.. and over......)
  • Jake came in my room to go poopie one morning when I was getting ready for the day.  He took his jammies off (he has to completely disrobe, or he can't poop - I promise - if I put his shirt back on, no poop!?) and sat on the potty.  He held his hand up to me when I came in to collect his clothes and said, "Just trust me mommy, and let me poopie by myself.  You can go get my clothes!" Trust him? I think not....
  • Sam is always making things... daily... using scissors, glue, tape, any paper laying around (bills are not safe), boxes, and whatever else he can find! The other day, he made a book, and here are some 'stories' from the book that he made.....
    • Jesus is watching us, even if we don't think He is, He always sees us
    • Everyone should have a family - a Mimi and Pop Pop and a Opa and Ernie.... and everyone should have at least one friend! [what happened to mommy and daddy???? I pretty much can figure out why brothers weren't mentioned!]
    • Everyone needs this book to read everyday - because it tells us what Jesus is doing
    • You should read this book a lot because it tells us what we should know
    • Everyone should love everyone
      • First of all, it made my heart happy that he was talking about Jesus and being kind... Second, I (tried to) use it as a learning opportunity about how being nice to everyone and loving everyone also includes his brother.... that's when the book ended.....
  • BJ asked (me) what kind of car I would drive if nothing else mattered (kids, money, etc)... Sam answered for me: "I want a red and blue striped camper... with an candion (cannon) on the back!" Note to self... don't tailgate Sam!!!! It used to be Pop's 'orange juice truck' with a super big rocket engine!? Come to think of it - I wonder if the need for the rocket engine has something to do with Pop's driving? hahahahaha!!!!!!!

That's all I have right now! :-( I'll think of more soon!!!!!!!

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