Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sam's New Bed...

We try to be fair and even and all of that fun stuff with our boys.... and I would think it's harder with two of the same sex than if we had one of each!? Maybe? Mostly because you end up with a lot of duplicates....

But ever since Jake got his new bed, Sam has been asking for a bunk bed too.  When we originally purchased his furniture (when we were pregnant with Jake), our plan was to buy the full-sized bed that went with his furniture at a later date and bunking them one day.... PERFECT IDEA.... except that they don't make his furniture in his color anymore --- yes, they have it in light wood and dark cherry, but not black... really.... SOOOOO.... Mimi and Pop found this great bed that will work perfectly.  Sam's 'nice' bed will go in the basement until he is tired of this one, and once again we have two happy boys! Whew.... except that Sam now wants to convert his airplane room into a pirate ship room.... and Jake wants to convert his jungle room (that we JUST finished) into an aquarium room.... not gonna happen!!!! I told them that we can re-decorate when we move into a new house..... Lord only knows when THAT will be!!!!!! And we already have the stuff and the plan to re-decorate their bathroom into an aquarium anyway!!!! ;-)

Here they are... ready to help mommy and daddy put the bed together...

Daddy is working away...

Two BIG helpers...

The finished product...

I still need to move the airplane over a smidge... so that it doesn't look like it's crashing into his bed!!!

Sam LOVES to draw and CREATE all kinds of things... it's perfect during 'quiet time' (since he long ago gave up naps, I haven't given up on 'me-time'!!!) for him to color and draw and create! Give that kids some scissors, tape, glue, crayons, pencils, etc, and he is off and away!!!!
So the desk part is just perfect for him and his creativity! We just have to get it all situated and get him some bins and all of that fun stuff!!! He's beyond excited!!!

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